You can use either an NCBI GEO's accession number OR your own .CEL files

* This field is mandatory

* This field is mandatory

Please, refresh DExplore between analyses



Please, allow a few minutes to download your data.

Your data has been downloaded. Please, go to the Data Description tab and fill in the form.

Your data has been uploaded. Please, go to the Data Description tab and fill in the form.

You can access the source code and/or the docker image using the following links:

You should input your data first.

Please, allow a few minutes to download your data.

Please, use valid names for treatment. A syntactically valid name consists of letters, numbers, the dot or underscore characters, and starts with a letter or the dot not followed by a number. Spaces are not allowed. Columns 'treatment' and 'replicate' should be filled out!

Double click to complete the table and then press Save changes

press Run the analysis


Please, wait a few minutes.

The analysis is done. Please, go to the Results tab.

You should input your data first.

Complete the Data Description form and then press Run the analysis.

Please, wait a few minutes until the analysis is done.

There are NO differentially expressed genes.

Annotation file not found

The results can be downloaded as: visualization plots (including histogram of adjusted p value against the number of probes, boxplot, interactive heatmap, interactive volcano plot, and PCA plots, i.e., the scree plot, the grouping of samples against PC1 and PC2, and the biplot), the DEGs list as a .csv file, or the DEGs list as a .tsv file by pressing the corresponding button.

Visualization plots .csv file .tsv file

You should find the differentially expressed genes before you proceed to WebGestalt ORA

Please, wait a few minutes until the WebGestalt analysis is done.

You cannot proceed to WebGestalt ORA since there is no annotation for your data